h6. Bericht zur Konferenz, 11.06.2004
_Ausschnitte aus dem Konferenzbericht von Christopher Nsoh_
The deteriorating situation of the Asylum seekers in the different asylum homes in the State of Brandenburg, the high rate of deportation couples with the illegal practices, the authorities, the alien offices are implementing to deport asylum seekers, the inhuman treatement from the social welfare officials and the high rate of racism in the State of Brandenburg made the asylum seekres and refugees vulnerable to attackers. This prompted the FlüchtlingsIinitiativeBrandenburg and the FR to organise a two day conference to create and educate awareness and network with other non-refugee groups which can assist the refugees and the asylum seekers.
To sensitise the asylum seekers we created four groups, divided the different asylum homes to visit, discuss with the asylum seekers, inform them. (…) During this mobilisation we made in a point that it is of great importance to be self-organized as refugees, to know other groups like PRO ASYL, Flüchtlingsrat, Opferperspektive (…)
The Conference started with a press conference. Though journalists did not come we had over twohundred and fifty asylum seekers who came and paid a lot of concentration to the different topics that were discussed. Groups like Flüchtlingsrat Brandenburg, Opferperspektive the Evangelical church Potsdam, The Voice, Africa Forum Jena, Kanak Attak, ChipkartenIni, Initiative für Begegnung, No Border Bremen, ARI etc. (…)were discussing the different topics like deportation, legalisation, the situation of asylum seekers in general, the asylum procedure in the State of Brandenburg (…).
The Conference has strengthen the Brandenburg asylum Seekers Initiative in different ways, the asylum seekers movement is stronger, more organised and has a collective method of working.
Many contacts have been made between the asylum seekers and the different german NGOs and anti-racist group and are now functioning on different topics together.
Many of the ignorant asylum seekers are now informed on how to defend themselves in times of the different problems. It was realised that many asylum seekers were actually suffering from ignorance, lack of information, lack of contacts and with many problems.The conference also created private contacts between some asylum seeker and germans. (…)